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Hello again blogworld! This post will be more of a straight-up book review. I’ve been doing quite a bit of reading this summer, and figured it was time to share some of it with you.

The latest: What Your Heart Needs For The Hard Days: 52 Encouraging Truths To Hold On To, by Holley Gerth.

This devotional really spoke to me. It is laid out in 52 short chapters with a theme of encouragement from the Psalms. Each chapter begins with a Scripture verse, followed by an application and a bit of explanation about what the verse can mean for us, in our own personal situations. Finally, each chapter ends with a short starting-point prayer. Then there is a blank space for you to write in your own prayer.

I really appreciated the format, because it wasn’t just a simple read-through-and-be-done type of devotional; it was interactive and encouraged me to actually delve into my heart and ponder what I have really been hearing from God and what I want to talk to Him about. I found it uplifting, comforting, and inspiring. I would highly recommend it to anyone in the market for a devotional.

Not everyone may find this book as wonderful as I did, but neither this book review nor this blog are about debating. I don’t find in the Bible anywhere God says to go around and ram our beliefs down other people’s throats, or beat them over the head with it if they happen to not agree with us on every point. Sharing something that someone, somewhere, someway, might be heartened by in any way is just that – sharing.

Happy reading!